It wasn’t so long ago that humans lived in ways that prioritized rich connections with others, soulful beauty, art and experiences that evoked full-spectrum expressions. There was a time when living was slowww and the rituals of every day life hummed with the sensuous rhythms of the seasons. In many ways human priorities at present have shifted towards convenience, built upon the fast-paced culture of patriarchal systems. But that’s not the case for you, dear one, is it? I’ve got an inkling that if you’re here- you’re one of the romantics. A lover, an artist, a muse… one who delights in the pleasures of life.

Temple culture is both ancient and dynamic in its ever-evolving practices. We’re in an exciting time of exploring what it means to weave traditions of the infamous temples such as those of Ancient Egypt, Babylon, etc.. with our modern knowledge and resources. At the core of the Aurora Temple is a desire to undulate within communities, inviting sensualists and the like to create soulful experiences, immersive artistry, rituals and more. In a sense, these are the spaces where fantasy and reality get to merge.

Imagine having an abundance of opportunities to explore your different expressions, desires, fears, and pleasures all whilst being supported by people who want you living your most beautiful life. To me, this is temple culture. And while these experiences can undoubtedly be fun, sexy and prayer/performative— it’s important to note that a large part of what I offer plays within the realms of the subtle and subconscious. This culture is about not only reaching those realms of ecstasy and revelry but also about getting to know the self on a really deep and intimate level. Devotional self-inquiry, embodiment, and emotional alchemy are all tools that support you when coming to events and retreats (and if that’s all new for you, we have offerings that’ll drop you into those practices).

Within the revival of romanticism and temple spaces comes the re-emergence of worship and devotional intimacy. When was the last time a lover bowed at your feet in reverence, showered you with adoring touch and created a fully immersive experience devoted to dousing you with love and empowerment? And, the last time you did that for a lover? How about a complete stranger? The Aurora Temple creates tender spaces of freedom where the explorations of being worshipped and worshipping are normalized and celebrated. Whether you choose the path of a 1:1 experience, group program, event or workshop— one thing is for certain… after visiting the temple you’re bound to leave a better lover, inspired artist, refreshed muse and juicy devotee to the sacred erotic.

Start your morning with this delicious practice, crafted to align you to your embodied desire before going about your day. I recommend having a comfortable space on the floor and headphones for the best listening experience..