Tired of the same ol same ol when it comes to gathering your friends for celebrations? Want to awe your guests with a unique experience that will immerse them in the realms of romanticism and passion? Perhaps you’re the kind of person who delights in hosting unforgettable events that gift people with precious memories..
I love collaborating to make your events extra special. Whether it be a private residential event, or at a venue- I can cater to your desires.
If you’re the kind of host who finds pleasure in orchestrating gatherings that leave your guests with full hearts and inspired minds.. where they’ll be talking about the experience for months or even years after.. here are some ideas on how we could bring that vision to life ;)
Turn your dinner party into an elegant tantric feast, where each delicacy can be savoured with sensuous delight. Best suited for 3+ course meals, guests will be guided through a sensory experience while being served and eating. I’ll lead the group with prompts that will drop everyone deeper into their bodies and hearts throughout the experience. Activities can include but are not limited to- being blindfolded while tasting, hands-on eating, feeding each other, and exploring different sensory stimulation while indulging. I’m happy to arrange a private chef, curated or live music, and decor that will enhance the experience.
Transport your guests to a fantasy world brimming with unique sensual artistry. To give you some ideas.. you could be guided through an erotic underworld initiation, dive into a portal that leads to a sensuous faerie realm full of pixie mischief and satyr charisma, indulge in elixirs and potions mixed by erotic renaissance witches.. the possibilities are endless ;) Through erotic performance, highly curated atmosphere/ambience, and an array of other lively elements, this is an incredible opportunity to bring play into your adult life. Let your imagination run wild, I’d love to hear the ideas you wish to bring to life and collaborate in actualizing those fantasies into reality.
Revive ancient rites in your next Sabbath/Holiday celebration. I’ve orchestrated many group rituals in celebration of special days and the turning of the seasons over the years. We can curate the themes of the ritual/experience to exquisitely complement your event, whether it be for a birthday, solstice, equinox, or anything in between. The kind of sacred revelry that happens in these experiences is a beautiful ceremony and celebration of being alive and communing with each other and the earth. It’s a remembrance of how important it is to fully bask in this beautiful human experience we’ve been gifted by enjoying the cyclical nature of earth and life itself!
At the heart of this offering is creativity. Truly, I’m delighted to work with you in bringing anything you can imagine to life at your next gathering.
Below you’ll find a form you can fill out- please describe the nature of the event you’re wanting to bring to life, the location of the venue, how many attendees you’re expecting, and anything else you feel would be helpful for me to know. I’ll email you back within a few days with more information and the next steps for booking.

Let’s actualize your fantasies and create an unforgettable experience..
I look forward to connecting and birthing this collaborative masterpiece together.