We invite you

to an evening that’s been foretold, a prophetic pilgrimage,

an environment where ancient traditions of psychosexual magick are reimagined.

Oracle is an experience of divine rites and primordial privileges of the psychically tuned and sexually free. A curated atmosphere for experimentation and exploration of the mind, body, and spirit without any constraints within that triad.

A safe sanctuary to dive deep into the unseen.

a labyrinth of rituals..

Explore our venue where you’ll meet different deities in every room- each one exuding particular energies bound to provoke a certain.. je ne sais quoi. These performance artists will take you on a multitude of journeys, crafting rituals designed to initiate you into the realms of the esoteric and erotic.

Thou wouldist not seek me hadst thou not found me.

- Manly P. Hall

The Oracle. A Priestess who walks, breathes, and loves between worlds. Sought out for her prophecies, revered for her pleasures. For one evening only, the Oracle opens her temple to you- inviting you to sit before her and commune with truths beyond this earthly veil. However, she asks that you not transcend the flesh, for it is through flesh that we anchor the foretold within our bodies. And.. have you heard? This particular Oracle’s temple is fueled by sex magick. So come, as a seeker- to sit with the Oracle and receive your prophecy, spoken in poetry or written in the senses, and stay as long as you like, to partake in helping the temple stay erotically alive.

Why might one voyage into this experience, you ask?

Spiritual and Mystical Exploration: Individuals interested in spirituality, mysticism, and ceremonial practices may deepen their understanding and connection with the Divine. Through rituals, encounters with archetypal energies, and guided experiences, attendees can embark on a journey of spiritual discovery and revelation.

Erotic Opening: For those interested in exploring their sexuality in a safe and sacred context, Oracle offers a space for erotic exploration and expression. Through erotic magick, sensual rituals, and intimate encounters, attendees can tap into the transformative power of sexual energy and embrace their erotic selves without judgment or inhibition.

Artistic Inspiration: This event offers a platform for creative expression and artistic inspiration, with immersive performances, living art installations, and interactive experiences that stimulate the imagination. Attendees may find inspiration and new avenues for expression within the rich tapestry of the experience.

Cultural and Intellectual Stimulus: The Oracle event blends elements of ancient traditions, contemporary culture, and intellectual inquiry, appealing to those interested in exploring diverse perspectives and ideas. From philosophical discussions to experiential rituals, attendees have the opportunity to engage in stimulating conversations and expand their intellectual horizons.

Connection: Our hosts have spent years cultivating a gorgeous community- one where meaningful relationships are formed and support to be our wildest, truest selves is found with ease. We’re both tightly knit and very inclusive, welcoming newcomers with a fondness found in the warmest of hospitality.

Adventure and Excitement: A journey into the unknown—a labyrinth of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. With quests, riddles, and unexpected encounters around every corner, attendees can embark on an exhilarating adventure filled with pleasurable surprises and delights.

You can expect a deeply curated evening of tantalizing music, evocative performances, tasty delights, interactive rituals, sensual encounters, Cinema Scorpius erotic film screenings, hot pool & sauna time.








11:45-11:50PM: PERFORMANCE



We’re pleased to declare this an alcohol-free event. While we love the indulgence of revelry, our aim with this experience is to connect deeply with the psyche, which can become dulled when consuming alcohol.

To enhance our experience traversing the subconscious realms, we’re delighted to be partnering with Lucinor, a team of licensed practitioners and therapists who offer traditional herbs and psychedelic elixirs. We’ll have an area where you can talk to specialists about what potions may be best suited for you, along with experienced staff around to ensure you’re feeling safe and taken care of throughout the night.

* Please note this event is 19+

Questions? We understand this may be a pretty “far out” event for some of you. But.. we don’t *always* bite ;) feel free to reach out with any curiosities, we’re happy to share more details with you.