Step back into a time when the art of worship was alive and thriving within Temples devoted to the God/dess with this intimate offering.

This experience is for anyone who is craving deep nurturance and love. Perhaps you’re going through an initiatory time in your life and desiring some extra support to soothe the body, mind and soul. Maybe you’re at a crossroads, feeling stuck or stagnant, and trust in the power of a curated rite of passage to usher you into a life that’s flowing with purpose and pleasure. Or it could be that you simply want to indulge in a 4-6 hour experience that gets to be all about coming home to your self lovership and engaging with your erotic aliveness ;)

Whatever it may be.. allow me to welcome you to the Temple that’s devoted to tending to you in all the ways that will have you feeling like a God/dess by the end of the day. Loved up, languid in the leisurely embodiment of your true erotic nature..

All too often people can be made to feel “selfish” for wanting to simply receive.. there’s this unspoken notion in modern society that there always needs to be balance- that if we ask for something we must give something in return. “You’ve got my back, I’ve got yours”. And while this is sweet.. there’s a potency in being able to simply fully receive. 

So my question for you is, what do you wish to receive right now? What would nourish your soul that perhaps you feel you can’t ask of a lover, friend, or family member?

Maybe it’s a luxurious massage laced with sacred aromas, sensuous touch, and loving intention that lets you feel like you’re floating on a cloud..

A quest into nature where you’re guided to connect with different elements and overcome blocks that may be hindering your life’s desires?

Perhaps some movement medicine, following a ceremonial invocation sequence that will root the seeds of your desires into your reality?

A weaving of all of these elements, give or take.. to make this Temple Arts Experience completely catered to your unique needs and desires?

I’d love to connect and chat about what kind temple space we can erect in your honour.. something that will feel like perfect salve for whatever you’re traversing through life right now.

* While these experiences are typically held in British Columbia, further travel can be discussed upon inquiry *

Inquire for more details & booking

Please share a bit about what you’re desiring right now, your age, and location. I’ll email you back in a few days with more information about booking a Temple Arts Experience.